The Command and Control segment of this training will teach active Leadership Skills in order to contain and minimize the negative impact of any incident or situation. It will also provide an overview of, and accountability for, managing incidents.
That goes hand-in-hand with the De-Escalation and Tactical Communication segment which is designed to enhance officers’ skills and capabilities to defuse and possibly even resolve issues that might otherwise lead to a Use of Force. Attendees will develop or enhance their interpersonal communication skills such as: Listening; the Art of Persuasion; Dealing with Difficult People; and, recognizing the impact of inappropriate communication.
The training is recommended for all ranks of law enforcement, civilians who deal with the public, and private security.
*Captain Armand Carranza – Commanding Officer, LAPD Training Division
*Captain Mike Odle – Patrol Commanding Officer, LAPD 77th Division
*Cory Brente – Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
*Sergeant Alma Burke – OIC, LAPD Command and Control Instructional Cadre