Street Racing and Sideshows have become an epidemic in California. This 8 hour POST-certified course is designed to provide law enforcement personnel with an intermediate understanding of intelligence and enforcement of street racing-related activities. Training segments include: Social media intelligence gathering Search Warrant Issuance & Vehicle Seizures Complete overview of violation enforcement Interview, Interrogation, and […]
Archives: Training Courses
Use of Force Update Seminar
• Use of force and liability • Impact of recent California laws on your policy, training & tactics? •Attorney General’s role in local OIS investigations • TASER tactics and training issues; prevention of weapons confusion Our instructors: Cory Brente – Asst. Los Angeles City Attorney in charge of police litigation Chuck Joyner – (retired FBI) […]
Staged Collision, Insurance and Medical Fraud Investigations Updates – 2022
Staged Collisions and the resulting medical and insurance fraud affect every driver in California. Fraudulent claims increase the cost of insurance premiums, medical care and auto repairs for everyone. This training will show how accidents are staged and how unscrupulous doctors are participating in the process. You will learn how to recognize a staged collision […]
Vehicle Street Racing & Side Show Enforcement Training — POST Certified
Street Racing and Sideshows have become an epidemic in California. This 8-hour POST-certified course is designed to provide law enforcement personnel with an intermediate understanding of intelligence and enforcement of street racing-related activities. Training segments include: Social media intelligence gathering Complete overview of violation enforcement Common Operation Missteps Search Warrant Issuance & Vehicle Seizures Interview, […]
Policing Cryptocurrencies & the Dark Web / Organizing Cases for Filing Review & Best Practices
This 8-hour course is designed to provide law enforcement personnel with a basic understanding of overlay networks (TOR, I2P, Freenet) and cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin), commonly associated with the dark web. Circumstances will arise where an investigation may lead to an area of the internet not often traversed by everyday internet users. This area of the internet is […]
Auto Theft and Chop Shop Training
Vehicle Thefts and Chop Shops remain among the top crimes in every community in the country. This year alone there have been over 98,000 vehicles stolen statewide. This training will help you identify VIN switched vehicles and how to locate hidden manufacturer’s vehicle identification numbers. This course will expose students to current trends, fraud and […]
Best Practices for Organizing Misdemeanor and Felony Cases for Filing Review
This training is recommended for all police personnel who present misdemeanor and felony cases to prosecutorial agencies for filing review, and those who are interested in the criteria used to evaluate such cases. The training will include a live demonstration of the newest technology (Electronic Charge Evaluation Request- eCER), utilized by many police departments throughout […]
Workplace & Retaliatory Violence Prevention
POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19. CHECK BACK IN APRIL FOR A NEW DATE. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. Recognizing the potential for workplace and retaliatory violence is everyone’s responsibility. This seminar will teach you how to identify the warning signs; take steps to prevent the violence; actions to take when violence occurs; victims’ rights; and legal, civil, […]
Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation
Human trafficking and child exploitation are serious crimes that are running rampant in our communities. Frightened and reluctant victims make it very difficult to identify the crime; and prosecution even more difficult. This training brings together instructors who are the experts at identification and prosecution as well as victim welfare and services. The training is […]
Blue Lives in Jeopardy: Surviving Your Attacker
* “Is Today Your Day?” * On-Duty and Off-Duty Safety * Unprovoked Attacks * The Forced Confrontation – Critical Thinking Skills * Overcoming the Mindset of Your Attacker * Case Studies: The Murders of Law Enforcement Officers in Los Angeles County * Why Do Things Go Right and Wrong in Police Work? * Lessons Learned […]